Monday 18 June 2007

The cotton... high up

You seem like cotton
You're spread everywhere,
Unlike my dress's button
You hang in the air.

Then you looked so white
Like a fairy's veil,
Now you seem grey in light
Making staid and pale.

While all rush home
You laugh so loud,
Safe in your dome
Pouring out on the crowd.

Naughty like a petit child
Playing pranks to glory,
Spreading like the fragrance mild
Like grandma telling a story.

Teasing the land to bubble
To smell like musk,
Tinkling the leaves to sparkle
To shoo all husk.

Selflessly you do your job
To bring earthly respite,
Walking like you always bob
To disperse your elite.

There I can see the flower
Innocently flaunting its teeth,
Smiling at you since an hour
But hey, can you see beneath?

1 comment:

Maverick said...

Superb imagination..